Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Resolutions

You guys got any Half Year Resolutions? I had never heard of Half Year Resolutions before, but I like them, because, let's face it, I abandoned my New Year's Resolutions, like, 4 months ago. Half Year Resolutions are like a fresh start, and we can all use those every now and then, right? Here are mine:

1. Get back into daily workouts. Cardio, gym, Jillian Michaels, or running up and down the stairs. I feel like crap when I don't work out and that is not helpful for anyone. Especially my butt.

This is not me. I am blonde, OBVIOUSLY.

2. Drink more water. Booze only on weekends. This was Brady's idea, but I am joining his bandwagon, because I think it will help me feel better. So I've heard. Before anyone says anything (DAD), it's not as if I tie one on Monday through Thursday. Yes, I will have a couple beers or glasses of wine. MAYBE a G&T. But I certainly do not wake up in the bathtub, or even with a headache. Still, I figure it can't hurt to be as clear-headed as possible, and that probably means skipping the spirits during the week. Weekends, however. Let's be realistic, you know?

Yay, responsibility!

3. One night a week, I will not read the internet or watch TV. I will either study more or read something or embroider. As much as I love killing brain cells reading blogs, but the nights when I sit on my couch and read are, like SO NICE. I just don't even. I know it's so nice to have all this info at our fingertips, etc., but sometimes it's equally nice to turn off ALL THAT INFORMATION and just chill out.

Please do not be law books OMG.

4. Seven days out of the week, I will study for the bar in some way. But also, one day out of the week, I will do something not related to the bar at all. I will hang out by the pool, I will hang out with my ponies, I will clean, I will paint, I will spend time NOT studying for the bar. I also will not spend that time sleeping or watching television. PROMISE ME YOU WILL MAKE ME DO THIS. This is not going to be easy for me.

No sleeping, I know, but isn't this the cutest?!

What about you? Are you going to try some Half Year Resolutions? I don't think the "half year" is technically until, like, July 1, but now you have plenty of time to plan!

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