Sunday, February 6, 2011

I guess it's Superbowl Sunday, or something.

I only care AT ALL because the Steelers are there, and if you know me, you know I hate the Steelers. I don't care who is playing them, I want that team to win. So today, I am a Packers fan, but I'm wearing orange, because I'm really a Browns fan. I bleed orange, is what I mean. So hopefully by the time you read this, the Steelers will have lost. If not, my television set is in danger of being thrown out the window. The only reason I probably won't actually give it the heave-ho is A) if Packers win, or B) because Glee is on right after, and I need my television set for that.

Ok, that's definitely enough football talk on this blog. We need to talk about horses!

I went to the Sun Circuit Quarter Horse Show today. It was the last day, so things were kind of winding down, but I watched a couple of talented amateur working cow horse teams and amateur reiners, and then got my required dose of Hunt Seat. Most importantly, Brady let me drag him along and then asked questions about what we were watching. The last show he saw was almost a year ago, the Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show, and can I just say I am impressed with how much he has learned in the past year.

This was after I delivered my lecture on the importance of braiding tails in hunter classes..

My parents came with, too, so it was even more fun. To be honest, my dad knows more about the cow classes than I do, because he spends a lot of time with the western trainers at our barn. On the other hand, he's also supposed to know a lot about driving, but he still got us parked in the parking lot for the WM Open and then tried to make us walk the opposite direction to get back to the Jeep. It's easy at this point to blame it on age, you know?

Oh, well, I love him anyway. Here we are in front of the Hunt Seat Equitation 11 & Over class. I really enjoyed watching the hunter classes - it made me realize Sunny is actually doing better than I give him credit for. I'm going to need to show off post some pics of that guy.

Instead of re-writing the beginning of this blog, I'm just going to tell you that the Superbowl ended. Congratulations, tv, you live to see another day.

I'll leave you with a picture of me and my favorite co-picturee.

 I never look this tall with anyone else! My dad told her to stand up in pictures. We're the worst. But we do it out of love.

I think it's time to scrounge up some food. Yay, Packers, for today!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that we know now that the Packers were destined to win! For a number of reasons, including at least one in common with yours, I hate them too. Glad to be catching back up on the Life of Annie!
